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The Megatherium Club by Owen Pomery

The Megatherium Club – Vol.1: The Great Ape By Owen D. Pomery

28 black and white B5 pages, perfect bound and with a colour cover

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“What more noble pursuit for immortal souls? Riches? War and Butchery? Political Chicanery? Superstition? Pleasure? What we seek is the TRUTH!” – William Stimpson, Founder of the Megatherium Club

The Megatherium Club was a group of scientists who operated out of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington between 1857 and 1866. They were that peculiar brand of gentleman scientist that can no longer exist due to the emphasis in our time on such boring trivialities as academic qualifications, sobriety and safety. Essentially it was like the Royal Society if its president had been Dave Bassett instead of Sir Isaac Newton. In this volume we join our intrepid heroes during […]

Invincible Out Now!


Invincible By Rebecca Strickson and David White 20 full colour A5 pages in a limited edition of 25

Invincible is a collection of ten unique captured images from a corrupted digital recording of the opening sequence of Werner Herzog’s 2001 film ‘Invincible’.

The corruption occurred quite by accident, and was only discovered on viewing some time after the recording took place. After the first fifteen minutes or so of the film, the corruption stopped, and returned to normal.

The result of the corruption was a kaleidoscopic glitch effect, where image bled into image, leaving ghosts from previous scenes haunting the next, and where colour bled into colour, often enhancing, sometimes diminishing.

The beauty of these corrupted images, and the fact that they never appeared in the same way on repeated viewings, established the creation of something unique and localised that we wanted to […]

The Megatherium Club Launch Party @ Natural History Museum on 26/07/13


Event: The Megatherium Club Launch Party

Date and time: Friday 26th July 2013 from 6pm to whenever

Location: Natural History Museum, London



Yes that’s right, your favourite indie punk rebel publishing company has sold out to The Man and gone all corporate on your ass. To celebrate the birth of Owen Pomery’s new comic, The Megatherium Club, we’ll be swilling champagne with all the other yuppy pigs at the Natural History Museum (the London one in case there’s one in Stoke or something) and we’d be delighted if you’d care to join us for a drink. All very casual so turn up when you want/ for as long as you want. Be sure to take the time to check out the museum as well. If you don’t know what any of us look like then we’ll have some kind of sign there so […]