
We are unable to accept unsolicited submissions at present. We’re all incredibly busy (we have day jobs) and so don’t have the time to reply to submissions that we haven’t requested unless we know you personally.  We have an extensive list of creators that we’d like to work with and generally we like to approach them ourselves at the right time.

However, if you’re a creator that we’ve expressed an interest in previously, or who we follow on social media (which means we like you), please do feel free to contact us as we’d love to hear any ideas from you.

If you fit this profile, then please send us a pitch bearing in mind the following criteria:

  • At least four completed pages and an overall idea of length, characters and story.
  • We tend to prefer projects where you’re near the beginning of the process rather than completed books.
  • We don’t tend to publish collections of previously published material, or books that have been published elsewhere.
  • If we think you’re awesome (we’ve probably told you before) and you don’t have a pitch ready, get in touch anyway as we’d trust you enough to just do whatever you want.